Monday, January 21, 2013

Certain type

I'm playin' music for a certain type of person. Fortunately, there are more and more of us. At least there are more comin' to see me than there were 30 years ago or so. Sort Thing Things Time Track Way Wing Word Words Handed Wing Righteous Righteously Righteousness Rightful Rightfully Rightly Rightness Rights Issue Movement Rigid Rigidity Rigidly Rigor Rigorous Rigorously Riley Rim Ring Ringing Ringo Rings Rink Rio Riot Rioting Riots Rip Rip-Off Ripe Ripen Ripened Ripeness Ripening Ripens Ripley Ripped Ripping Ripple Ripples Rise Above Risen Rises Rising Risk Management Risk-Free Risk-Taking Risked Risking Risks Risky Rita Ritchie Rite Rites Ritual Rituals Ritz Rival Rivalries Rivalry Rivals River Rivers Riverside Roach Road Map Roadblock Roadblocks Roadracing Roads Roadside Roam Roaming Roar Roaring Roast Beef Rob Robbed Robber Robberies Robbers Robbery Williams Robbing Robbins Robe Robert Altman Niro Frost Johnson Kennedy Redford Roberto Roberts Robertson Robes Robin Williams Robinson Robot Robotic Robotics Robots Robs Robust Rochester Rock Roll Band Bands Concerts Group Hudson Music Musicians Roll Star Stars Rock-And-Roll Rock-N-Roll Rockabilly Rocked Rockefeller Rocker Rockers Rocket Science Rockets Rockin Rocking Chair Rocks Rockwell Rocky Mountains Rod Roddenberry Rode

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